Emotions are always mixed when a loved one or spouse has to make a journey, and though one feels happy, deep inside, the hope is for safety. If your partner goes on a journey, a prayer for a safe trip is definitely one surefire way to show your love, care, and hope. Below are 20 Safe Journey Prayers you can send to your love for accompaniment through his journey.

25 Powerful Safe Journey Prayers for Your Love

The Prayer of God’s Protection

Please protect them from harm. Let Your angels protect them. Amen. “

Prayer for Smooth Travel

“Heavenly Father, I pray that the journey will be smooth, without delays or obstacles. They may arrive at their destination safely, and everything will go according to the plan. Amen. “

Prayer for Calmness and Peace

“Lord, I ask You to calm the heart of my lover during this journey. Help them to feel safe and secure by replacing any anxiety or fears with Your peace. Amen. “

Asking for Safe Return

“Dear God, please lead my lover safely home. Let Your hand protect them until then from any harm or trouble on the road. Amen. “

Prayer for Safe Travels on the Road

“God of mercy I pray for safe traveling on the road.” May You bless my loved ones’ journeys and keep them safe. Amen. “

A Prayer for Journey by Air

“Lord, I pray that my lover’s travels are safe by air. Keep the plane stable and the sky clear. Keep them safe and under Your care. Amen. “

Prayer for Wisdom and Alertness

“Father, bless my love and give them wisdom and alertness on their journey. They must stay alert, make wise decisions and travel safely. Amen. “

Read also: St. Expedite Prayer: Powerful Prayers for Urgent Help, Love, and Miracles

A Prayer for Peace of Mind

“Heavenly father, give me peace of heart knowing that You will watch over my loved ones as they travel. Calm my mind and give me assurance that they are being guided safely by You. Amen. “

Asking for Protection from Harm

“Lord, please protect my love from any harm.” They should be protected from all dangers, injuries, and trouble on their journey. I am confident in Your protection. Amen. “

Prayer for Guardian Angels

Please send Your angels to protect my loved one on their journey. They will be in Your safe care and safely return home. Amen. “

Prayer for a Safe Return Journey

As my loved one completes their trip, I ask that You bless their return journey. Bring them safely home, and may they remain in good health when we meet again. Amen. “

Asking for Guidance

“Dear God, guide my loved one through their entire journey. Bring them safely home and to their destination. Allow them to feel Your presence on the journey. Amen. “

Prayer for Safety on a Long Journey

“Lord, I pray for safety on this long journey. Please give my loved ones strength and patience to travel, and protect them until they reach their destination safely. Amen. “

Prayer for Calm Seas (if traveling by water)

“Lord, I pray for calm waters and safe passage if my lover is travelling by sea. Keep them safe and guided to their destination safely. Amen. “

Prayer for a Blessed Journey

“Dear God, may this trip be blessed in all ways. Let this journey bring my loved one joy, peace and growth. Amen. “

Asking for Health and Protection

“God, please keep my loved ones healthy and safe during this journey. They should be protected from any harm, including accidents or illness. Amen. “

A Prayer for Travel Companions

“Lord, I ask that You bless the travel companions of my lover. They should all be safe and watch out for each other on the trip. Amen. “

Prayer for Protection from Bad Weather

“Dear God I pray for safe traveling in all weather conditions. Protect my loved ones from strong winds, storms or other road hazards. Amen. “

Prayer for Travel Safety During the Night

“Lord, I pray for extra protection if my lover is travelling at night. Keep them safe and alert in the dark, and let your light guide them. Amen. “

Prayer for Blessings and Happiness

“God bless my loved one with a happy and safe journey. They may experience adventure, happiness and protection from You along the way. Amen. “

Prayer for a Calm Mind and Heart

“Dear God, grant my loved one a calm heart and mind as they travel. They should feel safe, knowing that You are their protector. Amen. “

Prayer for No Delays

“Lord I pray for my lover’s trip to go smoothly, without any problems or delays.” Please keep them on schedule and safe as they travel. Amen. “

Asking for Joy and Safety

“Father as my loved one embarks on this journey I ask both for joy and safety. Protect them, and bring them home with happy memories and a good heart. Amen. “

Prayer for Trust in God’s Plan

“God, trust Your plan. Protect my loved ones as they travel. Let us both relax in Your care. Amen. “

Prayer for Safe Travels for a Quick Trip

“Lord, I pray for my lover’s safety, even if the trip is brief. Please keep them alert, safe and happy until they return. Amen. “


It’s natural to worry about the safety of our loved ones when they travel. These prayers will help us to find peace, knowing that God watches over them. Each prayer sends love and protection to them and asks God to guide and bless their journey. Sending these heartfelt prayer is a wonderful way to show your care, whether they are traveling via air, road or sea.

These prayers will not only offer peace of mind, but also divine protection to ensure that your loved one returns safely into your arms.

By Emeka Daniel

I love the Word of God, I blog about Spiritual Things