St. Rita is also known as the Saint of the Impossible. She is revered in the Catholic Church for her profound faith, perseverance, miracles, and intercessions. Those who are in difficult or impossible situations turn to St. Rita for help. Rita Novena. Rita Novena.

In this blog, we will examine the history and significance St. Rita. We’ll also explore the St. Rita Novena and how to pray this prayer with faith and dedication.

silhouette image of person praying
Photo by Rodolfo Clix on

Who Is St. Rita Cascia

St. Rita Cascia, a saint of the Catholic Church in Italy, was born 1381. She had a challenging life–marrying an abusive man, who later reformed; losing her husband and two children due to violence and sickness; and becoming a Nun after years of hardship. St. Rita’s unwavering devotion to God and her deep love for God helped others overcome their struggles.

St. Rita’s ability to intercede on behalf of those in hopeless circumstances made her a well-known saint. She was able to perform several miracles both during and after her life, including healing the sick and impossible converts. Her feast day falls on May 22,. She continues to provide hope for millions who face difficult circumstances.

What is St. Rita Novena ?

A novena is an extended form of prayer that takes place over nine consecutive days. It asks for the intercession or a specific saint. The St. Rita Novenas are particularly powerful when you seek a miracle, especially if the situation is hopeless or impossible.

Novenas allow the faithful to seek out St. Rita’s help when they are in need. People who face difficult situations, such as marriage problems, health problems, family issues or situations that are seemingly unresolvable, often pray the novena.

How to Pray St. Rita Novena

Rita Novena prayer involves nine consecutive days of praying, reflecting on St. Rita Novena involves praying nine days in a row, reflecting upon St. Rita’s life, and asking her for intercession. Novenas are flexible and can be customized to meet personal goals, but usually have a set structure. The traditional version is shown below:

Day 1: Strengthening in Tough Times

“St. Rita I am asking for your prayers, and that of those who have suffered and felt heartache. Help me find the strength that I need to face my problems. You can help me find peace by knowing that God will be with me even when I am in the darkest of times. May I learn from your example to trust God’s plan. Amen.”

A prayer to St. Rita “O Saint Rita, pray that we be worthy of Christ’s promises. Let’s pray: “O God, You gave St. Rita a gift of patience and forgiveness in her suffering. Teach us her example of forgiving our enemies while showing patience and love to our adversaries. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Day 2: Developing patience and Trust

“Dear St. Rita. Help me to be patient with the adversities that I face. As you do, I too want to trust God’s timing and His plans for my future. Teach to me to give up my worries, and to trust that God can solve all my problems. Amen.”

St. Rita’s Prayer

Day 3: St. Rita and the Marriage Problem

“St. Rita. You who have experienced the pain of a bad marriage, please pray for me. Please intercede on my behalf, asking God for healing and restoration of peace and love in conflict areas. Amen.”

St. Rita’s Prayer

Day 4: Seeking Peace & Reconciliation

“St. Rita, please help me be a source for peace and reconciliation in my relationships. Teach to me to forgive the people who have hurt and seek reconciliation with other people. God’s Love may flow through me, as I seek to heal my friends and family. Amen.”

St. Rita’s Prayer

Day 5: Prayer for Healing Broken Relationships

“St. Rita. You who have endured so many difficulties with your relationships I ask your intercession to help heal my broken relationship. God may restore the love, understanding and forgiveness that existed in the past. Amen.”

St. Rita’s Prayer

Day 6: Asking for Courage & Perseverance

“Dear St. Rita. In times of difficulty, you displayed great courage and persistence. Help me remain firm in my faith even when life’s trials seem overwhelming. Pray for me to have the courage to continue my journey in faith that God will guide me. Amen.”

St. Rita’s Prayer

Day 7: Praying For Miraculous Intervention

“St. Rita, well-known for her miraculous intercessions. I ask you humbly for your prayers in this situation. God in His mercy may provide a solution to bring healing, peace, resolution, and healing to this difficult situation. Amen.”

St. Rita’s Prayer

Day 8: Trusting God and His Plan

“St. Rita I commit my life, and all my challenges, to God’s plan. Please help me trust that all things are working together for my good even when I don’t know the path. “Pray that I can surrender to His Will and follow His guidance at all times. Amen.”

St. Rita’s Prayer

Day 9: Thank You for St. Rita’s Intercession

“Dear St. Rita. I am grateful for your prayers, intercession and support over the past nine-days. I am confident that God has answered my prayers in accordance with His will. I pray that I will continue to grow as I pursue God’s plan in my life. Amen.”

St. Rita’s Prayer

Conclusion – The Power of the St. Rita Novena

Praying the St. Rita Novenas are a powerful and effective way to pray for God’s help in difficult situations. St. Rita’s faith, perseverance and forgiveness inspire all those who ask for her help. St. Rita’s Novena can help you overcome challenges in your life, whether they are related to relationships, health or circumstances. As you trust your needs to Rita’s intercession, she can provide comfort and offer hope.

By committing yourself to this nine-day devotion, you will not only ask for St. Rita’s intercession, but also strengthen your faith in God’s plan. St. Rita has a reputation for helping those who are in dire situations.

St. Rita intercession brings you peace, strength and resolution.

By Emeka Daniel

I love the Word of God, I blog about Spiritual Things