Starting a new week with prayer for your boydriend depicts love, care, and faith in God’s guidance. It will not only strengthen your bond but would also help with your spiritual life. Praying for your boyfriend as he steps into a new week would bring him into God’s capable hands. Be it success, peacefulness, or protection, he will be lifted up by your prayer, bringing comfort and joy into the lives of both.

In this article we will look at powerful prayers for your boyfriend in the new week, do well to pray with all your heart.

Why Pray for Your Boyfriend?

One of the best gifts you can give your boyfriend is prayer. It is a reflection of an amount of love, trust you put in God to guide and bless him. By doing so, you invite God’s wisdom, strength, and protection into his life while guiding through the forthcoming week by praying for him. This also strengthens your relationship with him, knowing both of you are faith-based.

In turn, when you pray for your boyfriend, he too is growing spiritually. You are helping him in his relationship with God while you pray for him in his personal and professional life.

Read also: Powerful Short Prayer for Healing and Recovery for Someone that is Sick.

What does the Bible say about praying for loved ones?

The Bible encourages us to pray for the people we love and care about because He hears all of our prayers. Below are a few verses in the Bible that will help inspire your prayer for your boyfriend.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.” – Numbers 6:24-26

This could be a beautiful blessing to always remind you to pray for God’s guidance and protection for your boyfriend throughout the week.

“I always thank my God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Corinthians 1:4

Being grateful for your boyfriend and praying for God’s grace to continue shaping his life is an appropriate way to start the week.

Powerful New Week Prayer for My Boyfriend

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to Thee in prayer as my boyfriend starts this new week, asking for Thy blessings and guidance to be upon him. Lord, I thank Thee for his life, his heart, and the love and care he brings into my life. I pray that You will watch over him and protect him in everything he does this week.
Give him strength in moments of weakness, wisdom in times of challenges, and peace in his heart through any tension or anxiety. Wrap Your love around him and let him feel Your presence at each moment to remind him that You are always with him, come what may.
Lord, I pray that he be successful in his endeavors and accomplish all the things he desires. Let clarity and focus characterize all that he does, and let all that he engages himself in turn out right. Help him to face adversity and remember that with You, all things can be done, with the strength that You give.
Father, bless our relationship this week. Let us grow in love, in trusting You more and in understanding one another. Enable us to keep You at the center of our relationship, knowing that through You, we can face anything.
I commit his heart, his mind, and his spirit into Your hands for Your divine protection and guidance. Let this week be filled with joy, peace, and many blessings.
In Jesus’ name, I pray,

How to Pray for Your Boyfriend for the new Week

Pray for His Strength: Life is a bit hard, and we all go through it differently. Pray for strength for your boyfriend, asking God to give him endurance.
Pray for His Peace: Anxiety and stress can sometimes be overwhelming. Pray for peace in his heart and mind, trusting God to calm his worries.
Pray for his success, be it in his job, studies, or personal goals that he sets before him. Ask God to bless his work with success and guide him as he goes about his duties.
Protection: Life is so unpredictable; we all need protection. Ask God to keep him safe from harm, both bodily and spiritually.
Pray for Your Relationship: Whenever you pray for your boyfriend, take some extra time out to pray for your relationship. Thank God for the tie that holds you both together in His love and faith.


That’s just a great act of love and faith-to pray for your boyfriend and step into a new week. Pray for a visitation of God’s grace and guidance in his life, knowing He will see to everything your boyfriend will need. As you start this new week, just keep trusting His plan concerning you both, and be comforted in the knowledge that your prayers are powerful.
Keep praying, keep believing, and trust God’s love will fill this new week with blessings, strength, and joy for your boyfriend.

By Emeka Daniel

I love the Word of God, I blog about Spiritual Things