Marriage is a divine institution designed by God, a sacred covenant where two individuals come together to form a lifelong partnership. It is a deep and beautiful bond between two individuals, but it requires effort, commitment, and intentional nurturing to build a strong and lasting relationship. In this article we will explore God’s design for love and relationships, key strategies and principles that can help couples build stronger marriages.

7 Tips in Building a Strong Marriage

1. God’s loving Design

God is the source of love, and His design for marriage is rooted in selfless and sacrificial love. Reflect on passages like John 15:12, which teaches us to love one another as Christ loved us. Understanding and embracing this divine love empowers couples to build a foundation of compassion and grace for one another.

1 Corinthians 13 : 4-8. This passage beautifully describes the qualities and characteristics of genuine love. It teaches us that God’s design for love and relationships is rooted in patience, kindness, humility, forgiveness, selflessness, and honesty. It emphasizes that love is more than just a feeling, but a deliberate and continuous choice to care for and honor others.

Above all, this passage assures us that God’s love never fails. His love is steadfast, trustworthy, and enduring. In our relationships, we are called to imitate His love by showing patience, kindness, forgiveness, and selflessness. This biblical text offers a powerful reminder of God’s loving design for love and relationships, guiding us to reflect His unconditional and transformative love in our everyday lives.

2. Communication as Connection

Effective communication is a vital aspect of any relationship. Seek inspiration from Ephesians 4:29, which encourages speaking words that build others up. Cultivating open and honest communication channels enables couples to understand one another, resolve conflicts, and grow stronger together.

Clear and open communication is vital for building trust, understanding, and harmony in a marriage. Take the time to listen actively and express your thoughts and emotions honestly. Practice empathy and seek to understand your partner’s perspective. Effective communication lays the foundation for resolving conflicts and fostering a deeper connection.

Ephesians 4:29 provides guidance on communication as a means of connection in love and relationships. It states: Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. This verse emphasizes the importance of using our words in a way that builds up and encourages others. It reminds us to choose our words carefully, ensuring that they serve the purpose of connecting and showing love rather than tearing down or causing harm.

Proverbs 16:24 also speaks to the power of our words in relationships. Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

This verse highlights that kind, gracious, and loving words have a profound impact on the overall well-being of individuals within relationships. Communicating with kindness, empathy, and understanding strengthens the bond between people and fosters deeper connections.

Furthermore, Proverbs 15:1 emphasizes the role of gentle communication in resolving conflicts and maintaining healthy relationships.

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

This verse encourages us to respond gently, with humility and respect, even in difficult situations. By doing so, it helps prevent unnecessary arguments and promotes reconciliation and understanding.
These Bible verses remind us that our words have the power to either nourish and strengthen our relationships or cause harm and division. By choosing our words wisely, speaking with kindness, and actively listening to one another, we can foster loving connections and maintain healthy and flourishing relationships.

3. Unity and Partnership

Genesis 2:24 emphasizes the importance of leaving one’s family and cleaving to one’s spouse. This passage highlights unity and partnership as essential components of a thriving marriage. Couples should prioritize unity, choosing to support and work alongside each other in all aspects of life.

Psalm 133:1 says, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”
This verse highlights the importance of unity and partnership in relationships. It speaks specifically about brothers, but the concept can be applied to any kind of relationship. Unity brings goodness and pleasantness, as it fosters harmony, love, and cooperation.

4. Mutual Respect and Honor

God’s design for love and relationships encourages spouses to honor and respect one another. Referencing Romans 12:10, couples can cultivate an environment of honor, acknowledging the unique value and worth each partner brings to the marriage. This fosters mutual appreciation and deepens the bond between husband and wife.

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Ephesians 5:33 provides guidance on mutual respect and honor in love and relationships:
“However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”

This verse specifically addresses the marital relationship, but the principles can be applied to any loving relationship. It emphasizes the importance of husbands loving their wives and wives respecting their husbands. Mutual respect and honor are key to nurturing a healthy and balanced partnership.

Another passage that emphasizes mutual respect and honor in relationships is found in 1 Peter 3:7:
“Husbands, in the same way, show consideration for your wives in your life together, paying honor to the woman as the weaker sex, since they too are also heirs of the gracious gift of lifeĀ—so that nothing may hinder your prayers.”

This verse encourages husbands to show consideration and honor to their wives as equal partners in life. It highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing each other’s worth and contributions.
These passages remind us that in love and relationships, mutual respect and honor are essential.

Treating one another with dignity, understanding, and recognition fosters a healthy and thriving partnership. By practicing mutual respect and honor, we create an atmosphere of love, appreciation, and support in our relationships.

5. Forgiveness and Grace Intimacy

In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus teaches the importance of forgiveness. In marriage, forgiveness is crucial for healing wounds and maintaining harmony. Couples should embrace the capacity to forgive, extending grace just as God extends His grace to us. Forgiveness strengthens relationships, promoting growth and resilience.

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you”. This verse emphasizes the need for extending grace and forgiveness to others in relationships, recognizing that we have received God’s in our own lives.

No marriage is immune to mistakes, misunderstandings, or hurt. Cultivate a culture of forgiveness and grace within your relationship. Allow room for growth, healing, and learning from past experiences. Remember that forgiveness is a powerful tool that allows you to release negative emotions and rebuild trust.

6. Intimacy in body, soul and spirit

Marriage encompasses intimacy in various dimensions. Physically, couples are called to express love and affection for one another within the bounds of marriage (1 Corinthians 7:3-5). On a mental and emotional level, couples must nurture deep connection and understanding. Additionally, spiritual intimacy involves sharing faith, seeking God’s guidance, and praying together.

1 Corinthians 6:16-17 addresses the concept of intimacy in body, mind, and spirit within the context of love and relationships:
“Do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, ‘The two will become one flesh.’ But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.”

These verses highlight the deep connection that occurs in physical intimacy within a marital relationship. It emphasizes that two individuals become one flesh, illustrating the profound union that takes place in a loving and committed relationship. Furthermore, it also emphasizes the spiritual aspect of intimacy, highlighting that those who are joined to the Lord become one spirit with Him.

7. Commitment and Perseverance

Marriage is a lifelong commitment, as emphasized in Malachi 2:16. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to weather the storms together. Cultivating a steadfast commitment ensures that couples can stand strong amidst challenges, reinforcing the foundation of their marriage.
Another verse that speaks to the concept of commitment and perseverance in relationships is found in Proverbs 3:3-4:

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”

These verses emphasizes the importance of maintaining love and faithfulness in relationships. It encourages individuals to hold onto and prioritize these qualities, both in their actions and in their hearts. By doing so, they are promised favor and a good reputation in the eyes of God and others.
These verses remind us of the significance of commitment and perseverance in love and relationships. They encourage us to remain steadfast, to believe in each other, and to hold onto hope even in challenging times. By fostering a commitment to love and faithfulness, we can build strong and lasting relationships that weather the storms and stand the test of time.


Building a stronger marriage is an ongoing journey that requires commitment, self reflection, and intentional effort. By prioritizing effective communication, emotional intimacy, trust, respect, quality time, forgiveness, and intimacy, couples can cultivate thriving and fulfilling relationships. Remember, each marriage is unique, and it’s important to find what works best for you and your partner. With dedication and a shared commitment to growth, you can build a lasting and stronger marriage filled with love, understanding, and joy.

By Emeka Daniel

I love the Word of God, I blog about Spiritual Things