The subject of prayer practice was a very important subject to the early church. Christians are known for prayers. That is because even our master Jesus was known for prayers. Jesus in Luke 18:1 gave a recommendation “that men ought always to pray and not to faint”.

What that implies is that if a believer is not prayerful, we may as well trace fainting in his vessel. Prayer is a very serious part of our Christian journey and it is very necessary for us as believers to pray. It is true that others can pray for you, but that can in no way substitute God desire to hear you lift up your voice in prayers to him. If Jesus the first begotten of the Father can pray, why shouldn’t you?

Acts 6:3-4

Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them. And will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.

Men are creatures of prayer. We are not designed to live optimally outside God, and one of the strict and exact patterns in seeking and finding God is by much prayers. Do not be deceived, many preachers have tried to water down this compulsory act by asking people for seeds and different sort of gain.

Read also: Bible Verses about Trusting in God in Difficult Times

Those are all strategies from darkness to make men not to pray the way God designed. Even the great apostles that prays for the early churches and Christians in different places, still gave counsel that we should pray without ceasing.

What that implies is that when things are good, you must pray. When things are not too rosy too, you must pray. Both in season and out of season we must pray.

Start with a short Prayer:

Lord, give me an increased grace for prayer.

There is no other spiritual discipline that can be used to substitute praying. As a matter of fact, you cannot also outgrow praying. New convert must pray to be rooted in God; old convert must also insist to remain in Jesus. Do not be deceived beloved, you must pray, and you must do that often and at all times.


The Lord’s prayer Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
MATT 5:9-10

The will of God is superior to our prayer requests. An accurate praying believer must labor consistently to pray the heart and will of God at all time. You can not just wake up one morning and ask God to kill your neighbor just in case the person offends you. From scriptures we understand that it is the will of God that all men be saved. That is the reason why as you pray, you must as well be a student of the bible.


Some may be asking why it is so necessary for them to pray. Why is prayer so important? Some may likely be asking why so much emphasis is given to prayer. Answers to some of those questions are given below


LUKE 18:1

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”

It pleases the Lord that His people lift up their voices to him and pray. Of a truth, God knows all your heart intent. That is because God is all knowing. Nonetheless, it still pleases the Lord to hear you speak your intentions to Him in prayers.


JAMES 5:17

Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

Prayer is an act of faith. Not only is it an act of faith, it builds faith too. Believers faith are built up when they engage in prayer accurately. When a believer prays, one of the realities he communicates is that he trusts that God can supply his needs according to God’s riches.  If you have faith in God, pray to Him.  He awaits you, patiently waiting to hear your utterance to Him.


Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint

Prayer is not an engagement for strong men. It is for men who are humble enough to acknowledge the futility of the works of flesh in fulfilling God’s agenda. Prayer is a means of telling God we can not do the things He wants us to do on our own. And that we sincerely and humbly need His strength. The good news is that at the place of prayer, there is refreshing. God refresh His people when they genuinely pray to Him.


A full understanding of who you are is really found when you pray. This is because the closer you are to the presence of God in prayer, the more you know more about yourself. Proximity to the presence of God also helps us to live holy and righteous before God.


  • DECIDE ON A PLACE AND SPECIFIED TIME: It is true that we should pray at all time. Also, that we can pray at any place. It is also worthwhile that we schedule a time and place that is quiet and separated from distraction to pray. The time and place may be determined by you or given as an instruction from God. God met with Adam at the cool of the day(time). Jesus would separate himself to go to the mountain to pray(place). There are many instances in scriptures where men separate themselves to be alone with the Lord.
  • PRAY ALL THE TIME AND AT ANY PLACE: You may likely be asking yourself questions right now, or think the above statement was a mistake. No, it is not. It is important that you separate time and place for the Lord. But doing that should not stop you from praying often at all time and places. After separating time in a day for the Lord, instead of making your thought run idle, you may as well fill your heart and lips with prayers.
  • STUDY AND PRAY GOD’S WORD:  The word of God is a very powerful tool for praying. That is where our prayer utterances and expectations are judge. Also, it sharpens our discernment to know the kind of response we are to expect.
  • PAY ATTENTION TO THE WILL OF GOD: We must pay attention to the will of God as we pray. That is very important. As said earlier, the will of God supersedes our physical needs. Make the will of God your priority when you pray.
  • HAVE A PRAYING COMPANY: The company we keep often times determine how far we can go with our praying engagement. It is good that you have a praying company where there are invitations to pray with one another at all time.


Prayer sometimes may look difficult. At some point for some persons may look too tasking or impossible. That is why we must depend on the Holy Spirit for help. All the above list may not profit you without seeking the help of the spirit that makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. I pray that the Spirit of grace and supplication rest on you amen.

By Emeka Daniel

I love the Word of God, I blog about Spiritual Things