The Twelve Year Prayers are a set of prayers, arguably centered between the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. These prayers have been credited to Saint Bridget-a 14th-century mystic from Sweden. Very spiritual, St. Bridget had many revelations of the life and sufferings of Jesus. She is said to have been inspired to write these prayers because of her devotion to Christ’s Passion. They are said to bring graces to whoever repeats them over a period of 12 years.

In the following post, we explore in some detail the history and importance of the Twelve Year Prayers, how this connects with the Passion of Christ, and the attached promises. Whether you are already familiar with this powerful devotion or are simply learning about it, this post will help guide you through the prayers and their deep meaning to the faithful.

Who was Saint Bridget of Sweden?

First, a word about who Saint Bridget was and how her spirituality came into being. She was born in 1303 in Sweden and, from an early age, was very devout. She married and had eight children, one of whom is Saint Catherine of Sweden. Upon the death of her husband, this began her mystical visions, most of which dealt with the Passion of Jesus.

These were the basis of all her spiritual writings, including the Twelve Year Prayers. Her profound love for Christ and devotion to His sufferings have ranked her among the great mystics of the Church. She was canonized in 1391 and is now the patron saint of Sweden.

Read also: Bible Verses about Trusting in God in Difficult Times

The Twelve Year Prayers of St Bridget

The Twelve Year Prayers are based on the Passion of Jesus Christ-a deep feeling of pain He has suffered during His Crucifixion. The prayers have to be said each day without interruption for a period of 12 years. The prayers are divided into different sections, where each reflects on a part of Christ’s Passion: for example, the scourging of Christ, the crowning of thorns, and carrying of the cross.

Special is the depth of meditation these prayers can bring one into. The commitment of 12 years of daily prayers-what a long-term journey this brings him to Christ’s sufferings and His immense love towards humanity.

As you move along in the prayer each year, you will be invited to ponder on Jesus’ Passion, what it means to you and to your soul, how it impacts you, as you go along. These prayers aren’t just requesting God for certain graces. They also serve as a way of learning how immense Christ’s sacrifice was.

The Promises of the Twelve Year Prayers

Probably the most distinguishing mark of this devotion is a set of promises that are supposed to be granted to a person who says the prayers with belief for twelve consecutive years. Tradition has it that St. Bridget was privileged to receive these promises in her visions. They include:

Deliverance from Purgatory: The fact is that whoever says the Twelve Year Prayers constantly will get delivered from Purgatory on the first Friday after his death.

Protection from Sudden Death: If one says such prayers, he is promised protection against sudden, unprovided death.

Full Remission of Sins: Devotion is said to bring full remission of sins and grace for deep and sincere repentance.

Salvation of the Family Members: The promises extend further in the inclusion of family members with special graces and protection.

Happy Death: They are promised a peaceful and happy death in the state of grace.

These promises have made the Twelve Year Prayers one of the most powerful devotions in Catholic tradition, offering not only personal spiritual growth but even the hope of eternal life with Christ.

Structure of the Prayers

The Twelve Year Prayers encompass every other different aspect of Christ’s Passion. All the prayers are different in their own, but all focus on Jesus’ suffering, sacrifice and love. Here is a quick rundown of some of the key sections.

1st Prayer: The Scourging of Jesus

This prayer is about Jesus being beaten and whipped at the pillar. This prayer asks the grace to suffer the trials of life with patience as Jesus did.

2nd Prayer: The Crowning with Thorns

This prayer is based upon the humiliation Jesus suffered when He was crowned with a wreath of thorns.  This prayer invites us to enter in meditation on Christ’s humility and to ask for liberty from pride and arrogance.

3rd Prayer: Carrying the Cross

This is a meditation prayer based on Jesus carrying His heavy cross and His Crucifixion.  This prayer teaches us how to face our own cross in life with the same courage and strength that Christ did.

4th Prayer: The Crucifixion

This prayer focuses on the instance when Jesus died, His ultimate act of love and sacrifice for humanity. This prayer becomes a powerful reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and death, and it calls us onward to love others more.

5th Prayer: The Wounds Of Jesus

This is a prayer that asks you to reflect upon the wounds Jesus suffered because of your sins. This prayer requests that we are healed of our sins by Jesus’ wounds and find strength in his sacrifice.

How to Say the Twelve Year Prayers

The idea of committing oneself to a prayer for 12 years can sound overwhelming at first. A journey into anything spiritual takes lots of patience, persistence, trust, and faith. Here is where you can start:

Search for any prayer book or online source

There are plenty of resources about the Twelve Year Prayers you can refer to, from books to websites with all the prayers. Just make sure to choose a dependable resource that contains all the twelve-year prayers.

Set aside quiet time each day

Find an appropriate silence in your schedule where you can pray. This you may do at the break of dawn, on a short break, or just before retiring to bed. What is important is that you make this an apotheosis of time that shall be reserved for your devotion.


The Twelve Year Prayers demand commitment. You need to keep in your mind that the path of spiritual growth is slow and painful. This current religious devotion is also long-term. At no instance should you be dismayed when you know you have missed one day. Just go on with the next day.

Meditate upon Christ’s Passion

Take time to meditate on Christ’s Passion as you say the prayers, placing yourself at the site of His crucifixion and walking with Him through His pain. This reflection of Christ’s Passion will increase your love and understanding of Christ’s sacrifice .

Spiritual Benefits of the Twelve Year Prayers

The Twelve Year Prayers have many spiritual benefits beyond their promises. You will experience the following as you say these prayers every day:

Closer union with Christ: By meditating on the Passion of Jesus, one draws closer to Him; the love and sacrifice of His will be more deeply appreciated. Patience and more humbleness: These prayers call for patience regarding our own trials and for striving for more humility. You will find much peace and faith in God as you make the journey through the 12 years.

Spiritual Growth: Again, it is with this commitment to prayers that one’s spiritual growth develops-one that enables him to grow into faith, hope, and love.


The Twelve Year Prayers of Saint Bridget on the Passion of Jesus is an awesome way of deepening one’s faith and reflecting upon the great love Christ has for each one of us. Long maybe a twelve-year commitment, yet immeasurable spiritual rewards are available. By daily meditation on the Passion of Christ, one will be more patient, humble, and loving, and be drawn closer to Jesus while receiving manifold graces which He promises through this devotion.

The Twelve Year Prayers are among the most powerful and beautiful devotions that will help deepen one’s relationship with Christ to appreciate the love and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be transformed by the Passion of Jesus and filled with grace if you have patience and dedication.

By Emeka Daniel

I love the Word of God, I blog about Spiritual Things